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Freitag, 1. Februar 2008

Schöne traurige Lieder, Vol. 6 - Keane


Keane - This Is The Last Time
This is the last time that I will say these words
I remember the first time, the first of many lies
Sweep it into the corner or hide it under the bed
Say these things they go away but they never do
Something I wasn't sure of but I was in the middle of
Something I forget now but I've seen too little of
The last time, you fall on me, for anything you like
Your one last line, you fall on me, for anything you like
And years make everything alright
You fall on me, for anything you like, and I, no I don't mind
This is the last time that I will show my face
One last tender lie and then I'm out of this place
So tread it into the carpet or hide it under the stairs
You say that some things never die, well I try, and I try
Something I wasn't sure of but I was in the middle of
Something I forget now but I've seen too little of
The last time...
Nachsatz aus der Gegenwart:
Hier befand sich der Originalclip von "This is the last time", der sich nun aber via Youtube nicht mehr embedden lässt. Schade drum. Hier nun ein weniger spektakulärer Clip mit Standbild, aber es geht eh mehr um die Mucke :-)

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